Isaac or not, the business of weather is booming

Dr. Bill Brune, Head Meteorology PSU, sheds some light on the many business opportunities with a Meteorology degree.

Marketplace for Tuesday, August 28, 2012
by Eve Troeh

You don't have to turn on the television to find a weatherman. As businesses need to know more about weather and climate, more meteorology graduates go to work for the private sector.

If the National Weather Service is like a daily horoscope, a private weather service is like a tailored reading just for you. Businesses pay for the minute-to-minute details most people don't care to know.

William Brune

heads the Meteorology Department at Penn State. Undergrads there can study meteorology for business.

William Brune: They learn about economics, finance, risk. So they can talk to MBAs and work with them in a team.


Article courtesy of Marketplace Business

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